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Guides: API

Haunted is all about writing plain functions that can contain their own state. The documentation below is separated into two sections: creating components (the functions) and using hooks to manage state.


Components are functions that contain state and return HTML via lit-html or hyperHTML. Through the component() and virtual() they become connected to a lifecycle that keeps the HTML up-to-date when state changes.

Using Haunted you can create custom elements or virtual components (components that contain state but have no element tag).

Custom elements

A custom element can be defined via haunted by passing your component you defined (e.g. function App() {}) to haunted's component function. You then take the result of your call to component and pass it to customElements.define like so:

function App({ name }) {
  return html`Hello ${name}`;

customElements.define('my-app', component(App));

You can now use <my-app></my-app> anywhere you use HTML (directly in a .html file, in JSX, in lit-html templates, wherever).

Brief Digression:

Another way to write your component is with the arrow function syntax, or fat arrow. It offers a more concise and clean way to write your code, however, it does come with one drawback:

There's no way to use the this keyword to refer to the instance of your web component that is running.

const App = ({ name }) => {
  console.log(this); // => 'undefined'
  return html`Hello ${name}!`;

However, you can get the element instance as the first parameter.

const App = element => {
  console.log(element); // => HTMLElement
  const { name } = element;
  return html`Hello ${name}!`;


Now that we have access to <my-app> anywhere we can write HTML, what if you want to render it from JavaScript?

In this instance, we're using lit-html which comes with a render function. You can utilize it by passing in your HTML template and the element you wish to render the template into:

import { render, html } from 'lit-html';

  html`<my-app name="world"></my-app>`,